Abstract Our final project was to design a pop-up experience which travels from city to city to complete two tasks of directly benefiting bees in urban environment through the design and installation of living wall murals throughout the city as well as providing and awareness education portion through a museum exhibition journey highlighting the issues of colony collapse disorder and what the everyday person can do to help. The museum is designed to provide various forms of interaction for any type of user, and it will be reusable and easy to transport city to city. A museum exhibit's traditional sense is a classic way of providing mass information to the public, and ours provides artistic twist through our differing approaches to conveying our information(different visual, audio, sensory, interactive approaches outlined in the presentation below. We proposed four different exhibits, each design to tackle and communicate a message about the issue. The overall goal is to formulate an empathy and understanding from the user so they feel compelled to make their own difference, and providing simplified and small scale tasks on what they can do to impact the issue. In addition to the exhibition, we wanted a product which could directly affect and improve the bees while still having and impact on the city itself that the museum would be put in place. The idea of install living walls mixed with info and art was our solution; this would become an effective marketing tool for the pop-up museum while also beautifying the city and benefiting bees in urban environments through introducing more plant biodiversity. We really wanted community engagement to be a part of this idea, so we designed the idea of "sponsorship" of these wall through partnerships with local grocery stores, businesses, and schools to involve the people of the city and create strong investment in the unity ideals that it will take to try and solve this problem. Through dual education and awareness improvement as well and directly benefiting the environment of the urban city, we believe this solution could be an effective chain reaction impact which spreads countrywide.